The Magic of Mulch Webinar
Check out this webinar recording where Lori expounds on the glories of mulch in the landscape. Click on the above title to read the post.
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We've migrated our school over to a more robust online school platform. As of December 30, 2023, we're up and running on Kajabi.
All courses in our school are currently on-demand. We have 6 courses, a coaching program, and a community forum in our school. Please come check us out at the link below.
Check out this webinar recording where Lori expounds on the glories of mulch in the landscape. Click on the above title to read the post.
We’re planning a great educational opportunity with the upcoming hands-on drip installation workshop for the PG&E Water Conservation Showcase. Click on the title above the photo to read the post.
Removing lawns and replacing them with low-water plants is the low-hanging fruit of water conservation in the landscape… click title to read more
(the link below takes you to our online irrigation school to subscribe to our announcements)
Lori D. Palmquist
P.O. Box 5515 Richmond, CA 94805
Office phone: 510-374-6360