4 Hunter Control Valves
Nibco 1 inch
Isolation Valve

Items pictured above:

(Click on photo to enlarge)

  1. Hunter ASV-101 Anti-siphon
  2. Irritrol 311A-1 Anti-siphon
  3. Rain Bird ASVF Anti-siphon
  4. Brass gate valve
  5. Anti-siphon valve manifold -
  6. Anti-siphon valve manifold -
  7. Brass hose bib
  8. Brass pressure regulator
  9. Rain Bird filter / pressure
    regulator: PRF-075-RBY
  10. Brass gate valve
  11. Plastic drip filter and
    pressure regulator
    (2 parts assembled)

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10.XWilkins brass pressure regulator

This reduces the pressure for the entire irrigation system if located upstream
of the valves. If the sprinkler heads do not have pressure regulation, this
device can be used to reduce the pressure, instead. It is very important to
ensure the sprinklers are operating at the correct pressure. Toro Precision
nozzles require 30 psi, and MP Rotators require 40 psi.